Secrets to Big Money Fundraising -Christian Shimer


The Cost to Your Nonprofit of Recent Hurricanes and Earthquakes

 “What are nonprofits to do in the face of the MEGA-REDISTRIBUTION of financial resources NOW OCCURRING because of these natural disasters?”  Every nonprofit CEO and Development Officer is going to have to hit the streets and develop new sources of BIG MONEY gifts and grants. And they are going to have to be aggressive about doing this.

Our two-book set, “Secrets To BIG MONEY Fundraising” holds the answers that will make you confident as you tackle this sudden and very urgent challenge.  With every nonprofit running the same race to rapidly secure new BIG MONEY Donors, can you afford to finish dead last?  Your competitive edge is knowing all the professional secrets we teach in our books.  Buy them and let us help you solve your problem!

Product Description

This two-book, hard bound set includes:

“Show Me The BIG MONEY—Fundraising In The Land of The GIANTS!”

A complete roadmap to finding new BIG MONEY donors. Written by John Shimer (a Harold J. (“Si”) Seymour Awardee) with over forty years of BIG MONEY Fundraising experience, this book teaches the secrets that gold standard fundraising consultants employ and then charge nonprofits $1000 to $2500 a day to teach them. This book will give you the confidence to hit the streets and dramatically increase your nonprofit’s gift revenue.

“Secrets To BIG MONEY Using Video—The Art of The Video Case Statement”

A step-by-step course on how to create a powerful video case statement to help you win the hearts and minds of BIG MONEY donor prospects. Written by Christian Shimer, the creator of the video case statement genre, this book teaches even the smallest nonprofits how to battle with the big boys to compete successfully for BIG MONEY gifts—even if all you have to spend on your production is $1,000.

These books are a must read for every nonprofit CEO, Development Officer, and Board Member.