The Cost To Your Nonprofit of Recent Hurricanes and Earthquakes help from Secrets of Big Money Fundraising

The Cost To Your Nonprofit of Recent Hurricanes and Earthquakes

The recent hurricanes that have SLAMMED Texas, Florida and  Puerto Rico have created a giant sucking sound that every local, regional, and national nonprofit can hear loud and clear as philanthropic dollars are sucked into the whirling vortex of EMERGENCY AID to help our fellow citizens.

hurricanes and earthquakes effect ALL non-profits.Many of those dollars which are on their way to Texas, Florida, Puerto Rice and even Mexico were previously earmarked for YOUR NONPROFIT. But wait! The news gets worse.

The United States GOVERNMENT is also turning against you. In spite of it’s sad financial condition, the federal government is rapidly redirecting funds away from every government program it can to help pay for the costs of these tragedies. Like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, this strategy will crush many local nonprofits.  Those dependent on government grants to keep their doors open will now see those grants dramatically reduced or terminated.

For entirely different reasons, 2017 is shaping up to be 2007 all over again for nonprofits. And because of the extent of the devastation from recent tragedies, that sucking sound you hear is not a short-term phenomenon. The financial pain you are experiencing is going to go on for years.

“What are nonprofits to do in the face of the MEGA-REDISTRIBUTION of financial resources NOW OCCURRING because of these natural disasters?”

Every nonprofit CEO and Development Officer is going to have to hit the streets and develop new sources of BIG MONEY gifts and grants. And they are going to have to be aggressive about doing this.

Our two-book set, Secrets To BIG MONEY Fundraising holds the answers that will make you confident as you tackle this sudden and very urgent challenge.

With every nonprofit running the same race to rapidly secure new BIG MONEY Donors, can you afford to finish dead last?

Your competitive edge is knowing all the professional secrets we teach in our books.  Buy them and let us help you solve your problem!


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