Do you know what a big time problem solver is? Here are five big time problem solver characteristics I’ve discovered in all my years as a professional fundraiser. Perhaps you know these by heart. All of us need to be reminded of these essentials from time to time.
A big time problem solver is:
- Someone who listens intensely.
- Someone who has enormous empathy for others.
- Someone who has done their homework and is prepared for their meeting.
- Someone who offers suggestions and their help freely and respectfully.
- Someone who sincerely cares about others and keeps their promises.
I have advised many worthwhile organizations that have been frustrated by their inability to raise the funds they need from BIG MONEY donors. Almost all of them fail to practice even the most basic big time problem solving skills in their contacts with these donors. And you have to do them all … you can’t be a good listener but fail to do your homework. You can’t be empathetic, yet have no follow through.
Mastering the skills of being a big time problem solver is only the first step to unlocking BIG MONEY gifts from the giants of philanthropy.
Only with this problem solving skill set can you effectively apply the principles found in my two book set, “Secrets to Big Money Fundraising.”
Here are just a few of the secrets you’ll find in my Secrets to BIG MONEY Fundraising books:
- How to be a real problem solver — not a problem creator
- How to focus on solving real problems — not applying Band-Aids
- The importance of becoming an advocate for your donor’s questions and concerns
- Ways to make your donor an “involved actor” in creating solutions to the problem your organization is addressing
- How to tune into ways to help and encourage your donor. Trust me, until your donor prospects connect to how helping you solve your problem will help them solve one or more of their own problems, you will always strike out.
Being a big time problem solver means you have to see yourself as just that! Constantly remind yourself that your role is of supreme importance to the success of your donor as well as the success of your nonprofit — then act on it!
Are you ready to start doing this for others? Try it! See how it makes you feel to see yourself act this way. Watch how others are drawn to you!
All the best —